Neptune Square The Nodes

Neptune Square the Lunar Nodes

Neptune is the planet of creativity and vision, disillusionment and illusion. The planetary energy is also about dissolving boundaries and merging into one-ness.

The Nodal Axis represents a karmic seesaw of what we need to move towards and what needs to be released in the process.

When Neptune is square the nodes, we have an emphasis on Neptune as a focal point for the balancing act of the energies indicated by the signs the nodes are in.

With the South Node in Sagittarius, we are being asked to release limiting beliefs and philosophies; to let go of systems of thought that no longer serve us, or repurposing them at least, so that these thought systems stay relevant.

With the North Node in Gemini, we are being asked to connect the dots, to perceive the information (information=energy) around us and find the relevance--and understand it, so that we can go forth and share it with others.

A square aspect represents tension, and a path that is not easily forged, but then often the greatest achievements are born from struggle. Squares may push us into situations where a compromise HAS to be made, but then so much is gained once this has happened and some kind of integration can take place.

With Neptune squaring the South Node, we have possibly a creative renegotiation of our past held beliefs, or disillusionment with old modes of thinking.

And with the square to the North Node, we have maybe the illusion of growing interconnection, or the vision of a more energetically connected world.

This aspect is happening in the midst of eclipse season--with the Gemini Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse closing one door on November 30, 2020, and the Sagittarius New Moon/Solar Eclipse opening another door on December 14-15, 2020.

Can you see how society might collectively surf this energy? Can you see how you might individually?


Gemini Lunar Eclipse


Friday the 13th